Mina is an intriguingly popular girl's name in Egypt, the Middle East, and India. It simply means "dedicated and determined," which reflects the philosophy of the MINA brand.

So why did we first introduce the Mina brand?

My name is Shyam S. Arya, and I hold a Master's in Analytical Chemistry and a Diploma in Analytical Techniques from the Institution of Chemists (India). When I was around the world, I observed that transitory cosmetic solutions like lipstick and eyebrow pencils were the main source of concern for women and girls everywhere and if presented with a workable alternative, they would gladly switch to any longer-term fix. especially for the eyebrows, which are unmatched in their ability to define facial beauty. I then began my research. Then, one lovely day, the answer unexpectedly revealed itself to me, and everything was so obvious. In the Indian state of Rajasthan, where I was raised, it was there in my garden.

Did you know that because of its weather circumstances, Rajasthan produces the best henna in the world? On the skin, Rajasthani henna leaves darker tattoos that last for a few days and gives hair a darker coloration when applied. As a result, I decided to turn this into a more permanent substitute for the eyebrow pencil because I am an expert and a natural colorist, and the rest is history.

Our processing facility was built in a little village named Shoghi in the magnificent hill city of Shimla in the pristine Himalayas to safeguard the purity and quality of MINA iBrow Henna. Additionally, this provided the local populace with new financial options, especially the women who, up until that point, had struggled to provide for their families despite their best efforts.

We can proudly state that MINA iBrow Henna is now the only beauty brand in India that was created by, for, and with the ladies of this tiny, unimportant town. These low-income women make up close to 80% of our workforce. As a result, every item you purchase from MINA iBrow Henna helps to support them.