Frequently Asked Questions

Below FAQ are some common concerns of our clients before purchasing the Products, if you have other questions,
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Please follow this link to know how to use Mina Ibrow Henna

Please Check the following link :- Concent Form

Please Check the following link :- how to use Mina Ibrow Henna at home.

It is important to understand the steps to be followed for PRE PROCEDURE, DURING PROCEDURE and POST PROCEDURE.
Pre application procedure -
1. First of all always do a patch test ( on your wrist or at the back of your ear area ( a pea size patch only) , to check if your skin develop any allergy from any of the ingredients, we also advise to read about all the ingredients and leaflet before using it.
2. Always wash your face with the cleanser/mild scrubber/face wash. It is important to get rid of all the oil and dust accumulated on our skin. Henna Tint will not work if the face is not clean.
During application - Mix the Henna powder with the few drops of the mineral or Mina Ibrow Henna Rose water. Once the mixture will turn into a honey like consistency, its ready for use. First application must be kept for 25-30minutes, and must be wiped off with the Mina Ibrow Henna cleanser. Do not use soap or face wash after application? If you wish to have a darker tint, we recommend you to wait for the 05 minutes and make the paste again and reapply, wait for another 20minutes and to remove the tint use the cleanser. Complete the procedure by applying Mina Ibrow Henna Brow Nourishing oil once the brows are clean and dry. The Mina brow Nourishing Oil, not only will help the tint to stay longer, but will also help Brows to grow denser, stronger and Lustrous. Once a day on Brows and eyelashes will give wonderful results.
Post Application -
1). Avoid direct sun light for 24-48 hours.
2) Avoid swimming
3) any chemical peel or job on face 24-72hours.

People are allergic to vegetables or spices or even with henna also. Hence, we suggest performing sensitivity test before Mina henna application upon your customer/ Your self. You can also download the 'consultation form' from our website this filled form will give you a fair idea in case your customer have a hypersensitive skin. We recommend a patch test 24-48 hours before the application.

Please checkout this link/professional training Video

We have total 12 shades.
Natural tones - Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Light Brown
Warm Tones - Burgundy, Blonde, Copper Brown, Golden Brown.
Cool Tones - Ash Blonde, Pearl Grey, Graphite, Grey Brown.

Many of our happy customers are using it during pregnancy & lactation without any serious issues.

To know the procedure please email us at .

Yes you can.

We recommend mineral water at a normal room temperature. Do not mix too hot, too cool or warm water.

03 layers in a day, at a gap of 05 minutes each

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People are allergic to vegetables or spices or even with henna also. Hence, we suggest performing sensitivity test before Mina Ibrow Henna application upon your customer or yourself.

No it does not contain Mascara Brush Applicator. We do have brow tint brush available on our website.

Approx. 25- 30 Minutes. In case you wish to have a darker shade, we suggest you to wipe off the first application with the Mina Brow Cleanser and wait for the 05 minutes before applying second application.

Yes Mina Ibrow Henna Kit comes in two type of boxes. One with the 08 shades and another one with the 12 shades. In both the kits we provide, Mina Brows cleanser, Mina Brow nourishing oil, leftover bottle, Pipette and instructions leaflet

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Yes it is very important to put Brow Nourishing oil once you are done with the procedure of tinting , as this oil will not only provide nourishment, Lustre but also will make lashes and brows strong and thick. Once a day during night use it for the beautiful Brows and Lashes.

Yes it is.

yes you can by dropping an email at

Yes it does as it tints brows and skin both.

No, this kit does not contain any shape stencils.

We will advise you to mix water untill it turns into a honey like consistency, approximately 20-25 drops are sufficient.

Yes it is Gluten free

After opening the sachet of Mina Ibrow Henna ,we advise you to transfer the remaining tint in an air tight jar or the left over bottle we have provided as one of the accessories inside the pack of Mina Ibrow Henna. Following the same will help the remaining tint for the reapplication ,upto six months. Unopened sachet expiry is upto 2.5years.

up to 2.5 years if pack is not unopened

Yes, you can buy MINA Professional Eyebrow Henna Refill Pack for the same.

One Regular pack of Mina Ibrow henna, have 03 sachets, each sachet is on 01 gram. You can have 10 application from one sachet so which means one regular pack will last up to 30 Brows tinting applications.

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